A little update on last week's manicure: The neon colours peel off like plastic almost instantly, so as you all remember, I tried to delay the peeling off by applying Lioele nail hardener as a base and an additional coat of the same nail hardener as a top coat. Apart from drying up almost instantly, it proved to be the perfect sealer for the neons. I kept the manicure all week long and I only had 1 slight chip after a Saturday full of house chores :) Having said that, I confess that I just found my favorite top and base coat which is not top nor base coat but a nail hardener :)) I really love this cutey :)
Today I am going for a more simple manicure which is inspired by Bon Jovi - You give love a bad name.
I am using Lioele Nail hardener which you buy here and a red polish which I cannot show you because it fell a few weeks ago and the bottle is holding only with duct tape :( or maybe I will show it to you :D
The procedure is pretty simple: Apply 1 coat of nail hardener to serve as a base and strengthen the nail at the same time and then apply 1 generous coat of Red polish. You may want to apply two coats of your favorite blood red nail colour. Top it off with a coat of nail hardener and off you go :)
Here is the finished look:
I still needed to clean my cuticles here :P
I hope you enjoy this simple manicure, I am sorry it is a pretty short post but I am a little too busy at the moment. I think you already guessed so as last week I didn't post as much either.
I will try to pick up some speed this week :)
Thanks for following, see you next time
Your nails are so pretty! I love "manicure mondays" so cute! Thanks for sharing!