Dragon at Dawn Cross stitch

Dragon at Dawn Cross stitch Progress

Monday, 17 June 2013

Manicure Monday!

Hello Ladies, it's Monday AGAIN!!! For some it is nice for others it is hell and it also means back to work to most of us... or back to school :)

A little update on last week's manicure: The neon colours peel off like plastic almost instantly, so as you all remember, I tried to delay the peeling off by applying Lioele nail hardener as a base and an additional coat of the same nail hardener as a top coat.  Apart from drying up almost instantly, it proved to be the perfect sealer for the neons. I kept the manicure all week long and I only had 1 slight chip after a Saturday full of house chores :) Having said that, I confess that I just found my favorite top and base coat which is not top nor base coat but a nail hardener :)) I really love this cutey :)

Today I am going for a more simple manicure which is inspired by Bon Jovi - You give love a bad name.

I am using Lioele Nail hardener which you buy here and a red polish which I cannot show you because it fell a few weeks ago and the bottle is holding only with duct tape :( or maybe I will show it to you :D

The procedure is pretty simple: Apply 1 coat of nail hardener to serve as a base and strengthen the nail at the same time and then apply 1 generous coat of Red polish. You may want to apply two coats of your favorite blood red nail colour.  Top it off with a coat of nail hardener and off you go :)

Here is the finished look:

 I still needed to clean my cuticles here :P

I hope you enjoy this simple manicure, I am sorry it is a pretty short post but I am a little too busy at the moment.  I think you already guessed so as last week I didn't post as much either.

I will try to pick up some speed this week :)

Thanks for following, see you next time

1 comment:

  1. Your nails are so pretty! I love "manicure mondays" so cute! Thanks for sharing!

