Dragon at Dawn Cross stitch

Dragon at Dawn Cross stitch Progress

Monday, 28 November 2016

Festive Monday Blues

Hi Everyone! I hope you all had a nice weekend and you are all up for another week, slowly getting closer to Christmas :)  It was a nice weekend here, all sunny and productive, I am working on another blanket present which I must finish in time and this one is a little big because it has to cater for a single bed :) I did run out of one of the colours and had to stop, but I made considerable progress.

On to what I wanted to talk about today. I was running around the streets window shopping and came across a lot of Blue, so I went to my favorite online store to check out some blue picks to fit in with the season's trends and decided to let you in on my finds. I saved this post for a Monday to also add it up to the Monday Blues theme :)

Starting off with a little classy casual top, here is a blue with black and white polka dots pattern. Perfect for the office :)

Then there was this cute lace embellished and slightly retro style top which I think is fun for the office as well. Black are just amazing together.

Below is another lacy top in a slighter brighter blue is more suitable for a classy casual look, but maybe not for an office.

Below is a more casual sweater in a mix of colours featuring blue as the main protagonist.

And the final blue top here is more suitable for a little romatic evening :)

Well I guess that is all for Monday Blues... I think I will go through some cool blue dresses for this season later on this week, and please look forward to a post filled with lots of glitz and glam to adorn these amazing tops and dresses.

Let me know what you guys think in the comments below and see you soon :)


Monday, 21 November 2016

Sunday Gardening

Image result for azalea double pink with white plant
Rhododendoron / Azalea
Hello everyone I hope you had a lovely week and a good weekend. Mine was a good week if you don't take into consideration the terrible rainy days we had and the weekend was fun too. We went shopping at one of the local Greenhouses and I got myself a pink and white flowered Rhododendoron, I have yet to check how to care for her, and I also got a peach amaryllis to add to my collection. I love pink flowers and bulbs. I got myself some planting soil to start planting out some bulbs which I got two weeks ago. 

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White lion Narcissus should look like this one and if they all flower it will be a good show cause I got seven bulbs in one pot!
Here are a few pictures of what I got around the garden at the moment, or rather what I am expecting to have growing and flowering next spring. Oh, keep in mind my garden is in fact a bunch of pots and planters strewn around the house in sunny or shady spots depending on the plants. I don't have an actual garden, I am only blessed with huge windy terraces and hardly anything from my favorite plants can stand it out there.

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Pink hyacinths should look like this with the only difference that I only got four bulbs.
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My peach amaryllis should open up like this one.

So now in total I have planted some pink hyacinths and white lion narcissus. I have still to plant the anemones and the pink ranunculus. 

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The anemonies should give a show like these here.
In the evenings I was busy working in my craft room to finish off Ryan's Christmas present and I finally did it! It was on Saturday when I worked the last stitch on the star blanket and packed it up with a musical star projector turtle. My Christmas tree is not up yet so I couldn't place the present there yet but I was over the moon with the finish :) The little lion baby grow also made it to my doorstep and I am dying to dress him up :) I will share with you more about the star blanket in another post.
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And I am so looking forward to have these show stoppers grow and flower. They are like paper roses!

I hope you found this garden update interesting and you liked the plants I choose and hope to see you soon  with an update on Christmas presents and nice blanket I finished for my little baby :)


Thursday, 17 November 2016

Christmas time :)

Hello everyone! It's been soooo long!

Another Christmas is creeping towards us and it is time to start preparing for the big day. I love this season the most and always look forward to it with high hopes and expectations. With my son at 1 year 1 month, I am curious how he will react when I start putting up the decorations.

Right now it is a stitching frenzy at home. I am almost done with Baby Ryan's Christmas star blanket, hopefully the hem will be finished off this week. His cute present and baby grow which will also serve as a Carnival Costume is already at home as well :) Then I am stitching up something for my sister as well but I am still light years away from the finish line! 

It is hard keeping up with the blog and life at home, when I work full time and then have to take care of the housework and my little baby, not to mention the dear husband who is forever seeking attention. Even my pets are getting the wrong side of the coin as of late. They are not being neglected but they're not getting all the cuddles that they deserve poor things.  Hopefully we will get into a good routine and everything will fall into place.

Today I would like to share with you a pair of shoes that I am dying to purchase for myself. Feel free to click on the image and buy your set cause it is amazing. They have it in different shades but the red one is amazing.

Stiletto Heel Pointed Toe Gradient Color Pumps
Buy Me

I have to get back to my desk now as lunch break is almost over and I have to crochet some granny squares for my little sister's christmas present. See you soon :)

Have a delightful day,
Pauline   Image result for kiss