Dragon at Dawn Cross stitch

Dragon at Dawn Cross stitch Progress

Thursday, 17 November 2016

Christmas time :)

Hello everyone! It's been soooo long!

Another Christmas is creeping towards us and it is time to start preparing for the big day. I love this season the most and always look forward to it with high hopes and expectations. With my son at 1 year 1 month, I am curious how he will react when I start putting up the decorations.

Right now it is a stitching frenzy at home. I am almost done with Baby Ryan's Christmas star blanket, hopefully the hem will be finished off this week. His cute present and baby grow which will also serve as a Carnival Costume is already at home as well :) Then I am stitching up something for my sister as well but I am still light years away from the finish line! 

It is hard keeping up with the blog and life at home, when I work full time and then have to take care of the housework and my little baby, not to mention the dear husband who is forever seeking attention. Even my pets are getting the wrong side of the coin as of late. They are not being neglected but they're not getting all the cuddles that they deserve poor things.  Hopefully we will get into a good routine and everything will fall into place.

Today I would like to share with you a pair of shoes that I am dying to purchase for myself. Feel free to click on the image and buy your set cause it is amazing. They have it in different shades but the red one is amazing.

Stiletto Heel Pointed Toe Gradient Color Pumps
Buy Me

I have to get back to my desk now as lunch break is almost over and I have to crochet some granny squares for my little sister's christmas present. See you soon :)

Have a delightful day,
Pauline   Image result for kiss

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