Dragon at Dawn Cross stitch

Dragon at Dawn Cross stitch Progress

Monday, 18 July 2016

Back :)

Hi Everyone!

I am finally back onto the blog :) It took me a while to come back because I was awfully busy with keeping up with work, household chores and most importantly pregnancy. I am happy to announce that I had a baby boy who is 9 months old today :) Now I am on a rush to finish off a lot of works in progress that are lying about my workshop room. If you noticed up in the header there is a new counter entiled Dragon at Dawn. This dragon piece must be finished before mid September as I wish to have it framed up before my son's birthday (October). So whilst I thank you for keeping up with my long disappearance, please look forward to some good updates coming your way. I shall be blogging about everything in life, and will no longer focus on one thing or another.

Update as at now:

I have just finished one of the long standing projects called Fish diamond painting, which I shall be posting a little picture of it soon enough.
I am working on a 100 row crochet piece of work that needs to be finished by the end of September.
I am working on Dragon at Dawn, a picture of which will follow shortly as well. This needs to be finished before mid-September to allow time for framing.
I am also working on decorating the landing to my penthouse. Pictures will follow shortly. This project is also almost ready.

Next up will be a post with pics of the projects so far. It takes a lot of effort to run a house, go to work and take care of a nine month old baby  but life is fun :)

See you all in a bit,

Pink Diamond

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