Dragon at Dawn Cross stitch

Dragon at Dawn Cross stitch Progress

Thursday, 16 January 2014

Another Born Pretty Store Delivery :)

Hi Everyone! Good morning from Malta!  Today I took a day off so that I can finish off some errands and decided to catch on some sleep but the Postman woke me up!  I was so glad to find him holding a big parcel form me :D  I was missing a parcel from Born Pretty Store and had just contacted Customer Care the other day because I couldn't track it and I was told that they will inquire with the Post Office.  Now I just realized that the Post Office never scanned the item and so I couldn't track it but I am still glad that it arrived safe and sound! These particular items have quite  a little history. I had purchased them using the BPS Point system way back in October but for some reason I forgot to pay the tracking fee.  Up until Christmas they hadn't arrived so I contacted BornPrettyStore and told them about it. I was advised to pay for a tracking number and they will reship everything and so I did and now I got the items :)  I am sure that someone somewhere stole the first parcel and whoever it is he or she should be ashamed.  No one is supposed to touch other people's post whatever it is! My father used to be a Postman back in the day, and they had an oath to take to never to touch anything in the post or tell on people. Back in the day, thing were taken more seriously.. nowadays we are getting more unscrupulous people roaming around. BUT MY POSTMAN, he is a good guy :) Delivers everything right to my doorstep ;)

Enough bla bla bla and on to some pictures of what I got :)

Sorry about the background... that is mum's kitchen table cloth :) Here is the whole lot!

I am a sucker for animal print and when I ordered these I had in mind to match them up with a python boots that I had ordered. None managed to arrive in time for Christmas though :)

How cute is this box?! I really love the matching polka dot bow :) And inside this really cute box I found:

This gorgeous bracelet watch.  There was even an extra battery :) The piece is giving away the time of the photo as well hehe :)  This is the first time I got myself this style of watch so I am excited to try it out and see how it fits with my style :)

And finally here are the so much awaited nail polishes. I ran out on mostly all colours so I decided to order the first pack from the BK Series and got myself the first 18 colours.  They vary between orange shades, greens, blues and neutrals to browns. I will be swatching them all for you, but not anytime soon because I have a nasty broken nail to deal with and I don't have much time waiting around for nail polish with all the stuff that I need to have ready before the wedding!

Here are some links for you if you guys are interested in trying them out. All you have to do is click on the pictures and you will be directed.

18 Colors BK Sweet Candy Fast Dry Nail Art Polish/ 25-42#
Well I guess that is it for today.. I better be off and get something done as it is getting late!

Till next post,

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