Dragon at Dawn Cross stitch

Dragon at Dawn Cross stitch Progress

Thursday, 25 July 2013

Manicure Time Again!

Hello Everyone!!  Sorry for the delay in posting this manicure, I needed to prepare a special one for a special 50 year wedding anniversary :)  Today I will also share with you a mini tutorial on how to apply water decal nail art :)

The product list for this manicure are as follows:
  • Lioele Nail Hardener
  • Born Pretty Holographic Polish in 4 - Pink
  • Born Pretty Holographic Polish in 7 - Silver
  • Nail art water transfers in Pattern g110
All Products are linked in the newly updated Favorite Nail Products Page, which you can access from the tabs above :)

So on to the process:
Step 1 as always consists of preparing the nails with a coat of nail hardener :)
Step 2 apply the first coat of pink polish to nearly all your nails, except the ring fingers which will be done in 
Step 3 after allowing the polishes enough time to dry, apply a second coat 
Step 4 same as above and on to a 3rd coat.
Step 5 apply a top coat with the nail hardener to all the pink nails but leave the silver ones out!

The colours glitter in all the colours of  the prism in strong light or direct sunlight :)

We are almost done :)

Step 6 consists of applying the flower transfer to the ring finger (which I will further explain below)
Step 7 apply a top coat with nail hardener to the silver nails

And the result is:

This shot wasn't taken in the sun so the polishes are not glittering but the flower really stands out :)

Here is a little tutorial on how to apply water decals:

You will need a bowl with some water, a tiny sharp pair of scirrors, a pair of tweezers, a cotton disk, a kitchen towel, a hair drier and finally the decals themselves.

1. Choose the pattern you want and cut it out carefully from your sheet.
2. Remove the plastic film that covers the top of the decal gently. This is easy.
3. Place the decal in the bowl of water, instructions say 20 seconds, I left them a little longer.
4. Dampen up the cotton disk with water from your bowl and put a layer of water on your chosen nail.
5. Pick up the decal from the water and slide it off the back paper. Do this really gently so as not to tear it 
6. Place the decal on your chosen nail being carefull not to allow creases to form.
7. Using the kitchen towel, blot it gently to remove excess water. At this point the decal can move around on
    your nail so be extra careful.
8. Apply 1 coat of top coat and dry it off using the hair drier.  I used the nail hardener for this step and held 
    my hands in front of a fan. It is summer here so I try to avoid heating elements :P

I chose two mirrored flowers since I was putting one on each hand :)

You are now ready to show off your nail art :) To be on the safe side I suggest you apply a second coat of top coat :)

I hope this post was worth the wait and you try out water decals :) I have my favorites featured on the Favorite Nail Products Page if you want to check them out! You can also visit www.BornPrettyStore.com for a vast selection of nail art!  Let me know if this tutorial was helpful in the comments below and don't forget to follow me on Bloglovin :)

Till next post,
Bye Bye

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